Kære beboere
Vi vil gerne minde om vigtigheden af korrekt brug af papcontainerne. For at undgå overfyldning og ekstra omkostninger, bedes I sørge for, at papcontainerne kun bruges til sammenfoldede papkasser og andre papstykker. Det er desværre en udfordring, når der smides andre ting i containerne, da dette forhindrer tømning og påfører foreningen ekstra udgifter.
-Vi takker for jeres forståelse og samarbejde.
Dear Residents
We would like to remind you of the importance of using the cardboard containers correctly. To avoid overfilling and additional costs, please ensure that the containers are only used for folded cardboard boxes and other cardboard materials. Unfortunately, it becomes a challenge when other items are placed in the containers, as this prevents them from being emptied and incurs extra costs for the association.
-Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.