English version below

Vi shopper allesammen mere og mere å nettet og vores varer bliver leveret til os, vel emballeret i bobleplast, silkepair og flamingo chips. Men hvordan er det nu at vi skal bortskaffe al den emballage?

Papkasser  Som pap i Miljøskuret
Silkepapir : Som papir i papir containeren
Brunt fyldpapir og papirsposer : Som pap i Miljøskuret
Flamingo chips og kasser : Brækket i småstykker i lukkede poser i p
Plastpude med luft : Som plast i Miljøskuret
Plastikstrips : Som plast i Miljøskuret
Fugtposer : I affaldsskakten


We all love to shop on the internet and receive our deliveries well packed and secured with boble wrap, silky paper and styropor chips. But how do we dispose of all that wrapping?


Card board boxes A card board at the Recyling Station
Silky paper : As paper in the paper container
Brown paper and bags : As card board at the Recycling Station
Styropor chips and boxes : Town into pieces, in closed plastic bags, in the Waste chute
Airfilled plast cushions : As plastics at the Recycling Station
Plastikstrips : As plastics at the Recycling Station
Dehumidirisors : In the Waste chute