Der bliver periodisk lukket for vandet d. 23, d. 24, d. 30. og d. 31 oktober i tidsrummet 8:30-15:00, i forbindelse med udskiftning af kuglehaner i skakterne i opgang A, B og C. Det vil blive lukket for vandet i opgangen, hvor arbejdet foregår. Med hensyn til vores vvs'er som udfører arbejdet, skal beboerne venligst fjerne alle genstande i skakterne.
The water supply will be interrupted intermittently on the following days: 23, 24, 30 and 31 october in the period 8:30-15.00, in connection with the replacement of valves in the shaft in the blocks A, B and C. The interruption in water supply will affect the block where the work is taking place on each day. In consideration to the workers, residents are kindly requested to remove all items from the shafts.